E-Reputation Law - a case study on e-reputation

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E-Reputation Law

Can my e-communication be prohibited as spam or unlawful use of data? (cont’d)

(d) Permitted content for e-communication by electronic mail

To avoid being classified as spam, any e-communication by electronic mail and even the electronic mail requesting a person’s consent must:

In practice, this often takes the form of a message at the end of an e-mail with an ‘unsubscribe link’ allowing the recipient to easily exercise his or her right to object to the sending of advertising to his or her e-mail address in the future.

In addition, the AISS prohibits the sender of advertising by electronic mail from using the e-mail address or the identity of a third party and from disguising or concealing any information allowing the identification of the origin of the electronic mail or its transmission path (Article 14(3) of the AISS)  [Note: Rough translation.
French text: "Lors de l’envoi de publicités par courrier électronique, il est interdit : 1° d’utiliser l’adresse électronique ou l’identité d’un tiers; 2° de falsifier ou de masquer toute information permettant d’identifier l’origine du message de courrier électronique ou son chemin de transmission."
Dutch text: "Bij het versturen van reclame per elektronische post is het verboden : 1° het elektronisch adres of de identiteit van een derde te gebruiken; 2° informatie te vervalsen of te verbergen die het mogelijk maakt de oorsprong van de boodschap van de elektronische post of de weg waarlangs hij overgebracht werd te herkennen."]